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Russia, Turkey is a country with the most important trade partners and a strong economy. Russia, with its world famous natural gas resources and oil reserves, especially natural gas to Turkey provides all Eurasian countries. At the beginning of products exported to Russia, Turkey and petroleum fuels, mineral fuels, iron and metal products revenue. Turkey’s products exported to Russia at the beginning of fruits, nuts, fresh vegetables, industrial and technical tools, knitwear and apparel revenues.
Located on the northern border of Georgia’s border with Turkey to Russia transportation activities are performed too often. Kazakhstan to Turkey, while China transportation to and Caucasus countries, Georgia border installs the door, reach out to other countries transiting Russian territory. Russia is one of the most important trade centers of the world in terms of its geographical and geopolitical position.
Russia, which has a giant economy that directs international trade, can be transported by road, sea, airway and railway. As the project Global Logistics; we are transporting by sea, container shipping, road transporting by truck, shipping by air, and railway transportation through Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line.
Etiketler:Russia transport, Turkey to Russia